Monday, 1 November 2010

Proper Tweeting

The 'top birds' at the East Lothian Cage Bird Society 146th Annual Open Show.
Tweet that.

Monday, 11 October 2010

Coming up Roses in Manchester

A rosy evening of creative celebration awaits in the city of my early artistic education for the Roses Design Awards do. Flying in the face of austerity, the bibbed and tuckered will enjoy the warmest hospitality Piccadilly has to offer, launching traditionally with something French and bubbly, then indulged at the table with the North West's finest produce, specially selected and slaughtered for the occasion as gongs are distributed to the worthy and deserving by an aspiring young entertainer.
And why? Because it's worth it - a well deserved pat on the back never did anyone any harm.

Congratulations to all the winners and let great creative work triumph through constraint and adversity.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Here comes the judge...

I'm delighted to have been asked to join the judging panel for the 2010 Roses Design Awards. These awards celebrate creative excellence in design and architecture outside the M25. This could not be more appropriate for me as the judging takes place in Glasgow in July, four days after me breaking free from the grip of the 'London Orbital' and relocating to Scotland, (I might even get out of some unpacking).
I'm very much aware that there's great work out there and I'm keen to meet the rest of the judges, then knuckling down to some serious judgementalism and hopefully being wowed by some regional creative magic. The award ceremony will be held at the
Manchester Ramada in October where we'll meet the deserving winners.