Wednesday, 31 August 2011

The Space is Ace

The Space identity was created for Uprising East Lothian to brand and launch a new multi-dimensional activity centre in North Berwick. A hand-built, 'old skool' skate park lies at the heart of this new community hub, amazingly transformed from a disused golf club factory with a crew of volunteer support. It will be run as a social enterprise by, and for, the young people of the region. The brand identity and launch material needed to provide a communication framework for a vast range of activities but retain genuine youth credibility. The problem ultimately provided the solution with the multiple activities forming a dynamic typographic cluster, including a hierarchy reflecting use, with a single silhouetted skater performing on the abstract shape. A membership recruitment call to action of, 'Get in there' completed the piece. And in they have got.

Tuesday, 16 August 2011

The cream will rise in Glasgow...

No, it's not the Dairy Product of the Year finals but the South West, Wales, Midlands and East of England creative awards - Cream 2011. I'll be joining a panel of esteemed industry judges on Thursday 18th in Glasgow when we will convene at one of the city's premier hotels to peruse and ponder over the range of entries. Good luck to all the participating agencies and hopefully we can whip up something to celebrate with some deserving winners.